The fastest way to be social!

Most convenient way to share contact information with your potential customers and new contacts.

QRMono Social Media Qr Code Generator Nfc Card

Discover Social Media Form

Easy to view with a smartphone or other device, the Form will take the user directly to the social media profile or page associated with the code.


Social media Form can be used in a variety of ways to find and follow a company or individual’s social media accounts.

Step by step Social Media Form guide

QRMono Social Media Share Qr Code Generator Nfc Card


Create your Social Media Form by filling up the information to be displayed on the template area and no coding information is required for this.


For your Social Media, the interface we have developed helps you design and arrange the Form based on your preferences.

QRMono Social Media Customize Qr Code Generator Nfc Card
QRMono Social Media Flexibility Qr Code Generator Nfc Card


You can share your Social Media by getting your customers or contacts click the Form. As a result, they will have access to your all social media accounts easily. Also, you will be able to update the information on your social media without even changing your Form. So you can use the same Form for a lifetime.


Real time user analytics is extremely important, as it will help you get a better idea about your customers and contacts. You can learn about how many times the Form has been clicked, where it has been cicked (country and city) and other information needed for analysis.


QrMono Qr Code Generator Social Media Service